One day, I'll get around to the photos and stories, but for now, I wanted to get these cleared off of my phone. You may have seen all of them on FaceBook back in "real time," but this is a decent record of our vacation. :-)
- is full after a yummy dinner at Bob Evans. We laughed 'til we cried over the meal, and then just bought a new iTrip (our current one must've just died today?).
- says we have passed so many flippin' fireworks stands in Missouri!
- wonders why moms are gifted with a super-power for identifying the 'tooters' claiming innocence by their unique smell. But yeah, I'm a pro.
- says Philip keeps chuckling at me as I belt out songs in the car. My voice cracked once, even - Brady Bunch, anyone? "When it's time to change..."
- is cracking up! I just turned on the light to find my tatting piece firmly clinging to the shoulder of P's shirt. NO clue how it got there - hilarious!
- just stopped at Kum&Go's - yes, two of them. A Kum&Go directly across the street from a Kum&Go. We came and went. *grin*
- just saw a cow stampede! Cool!
- walked the streets of Branson in the early morning. Now we're Memphis-bound!
- is OMG! Shipley's Donuts! Best donuts in the world, and I haven't had them since I left Texas almost 15 years ago! Dude, we're getting donuts!
- is surprised - Arkansas has trolleys! How quaint!
- Bliss! Hardee's for lunch, followed with Shipley's for dessert!
- just shared an awesome tour of Graceland with my boys - all three of 'em. I'm so excited to share the Guynes family Elvis love! :-D
- is on a riverboat dinner cruise. Live blues band and gorgeous scenery - the boys are loving it! :-)
- will be stopping outside the Memphis-side of Nashville for the night. 'Night, y'all!
- is on the road again! Breakfast in Nashville, and then we're headed to eastern Tennessee.
- just finished up a great breakfast of Chick-n Minis at Chick-fil-A... thanks, Bri!
- is lunching at the Huddle House, and all the guys are 'huddled' around the jukebox, selecting songs for our meal.
- #872 Thing I Love About the South: every eating establishment has sweet tea... and all made the "right" way - with sugar added when hot!
- thinks Tennessee ivy is the 8th wonder of the world!
- *squeee* We're taking the boys on a skylift over touristy Gatlinburg! So high!
- we had 'old-tyme' portraits taken together, and now we're eating at Hard Rock Cafe Gatlinburg. This is the second pin A.J. has added to his collection this vacation. :-)
- is in Cleveland, TN right now, but only passing through. *waves at Annie*
- is almost to Atlanta, and we are all wondering why we see no peach trees in GA yet. Shouldn't they be lining the interstate for viewing?
- says that Philip creamed an innocent raccoon last night. Poor guy just exploded under the tires - eww. :-(
- we are touring the 'World of Coke' in Atlanta. Yeah, I'm in heaven!
- thinks the museum was great! I loved trying new flavors in the 'Taste Factory' - the Starberry was yummy! :-)
- is at the beach!
- has survived the first beach outing. I went under - and I mean *UNDER* and could not recover. P finally noticed and rescued me. Having fun!
- is tiiiiired. Oh my, but I think the road trip has finally caught up with me. That, or almost drowning - hard to tell. Sooooo sleepy!
- is sitting at a quiet table with her journal.
- just finished up at the beach (Ocean Isle) for today, and is now headed to Myrtle Beach to cuddle with baby tigers!
- is stuffed after a birthday dinner for BIL Tom. P, me and Jack are now headed home - Jack fell asleep at the table at T-Bonz. He's just too exhausted.
- is amused. Jack says that, "Pond turtles must be some of the 'shyest' little critters!" :-)
- is eating at Big Nell's Pit Stop. SIL Shel says it's the local, famous 'Greasy Spoon.' :-)
- just got a hole-in-one on Gold Course Hole 3! (It took Philip seven tries - hehehe!)
- just got another hole-in-one on Hole 4. :-)
- can't seem to find Hard Rock Cafe Myrtle Beach - GPS keeps taking us to the wrong place...
- got her ice cream on at the Ocean Isle Creamery. Cherry vanilla with chocolate syrup - mmmmmm!
- is breakfasting at 'The Purple Onion,' and A.J.'s blueberry biscuits look and taste amazing! he was served before the rest of us. :-)
- on our way to the Intercoastal Waterway Cruise. *fingers crossed for dolphin sightings*
- saw dolphins today, and I also got my first facial sunburn, too.
- just got back from the beach for the last time. :-( On the bright side, we're going jet-skiing on the waterway in an hour. Gotta hang tight to P while he drives - eep!
- is sipping on a Cheerwine - mmmmmm!
- is pretty much awesome at mini-golf. I just won two more hole-in-ones here on the island course, playing with P, Grammy and the boys. :-)
- is on the road again. Bye-bye, beach! First stop: the local post office. We've already amassed a TON of souv's, and we're mailing 'em home.
- has the 'Oobi' theme stuck in her head.
- wants to get her rings professionally cleaned again soon.
- thinks the clouds are being boring in this stretch of road. I can't seem to find *any* good shapes in them!
- it's snowing in August in Atlanta! It looks *so* life-like, but really, a down pillow fell off a truck in front of us and has exploded on the highway! :-)
- I've been tatting it up on this trip - missing you, Lizzles!
- says that Philip is jealous of my mad Bee-Gee's singability skillz.
- Convo... Jack: Dad, my scar hurts. Philip: Does that mean VoldeMonkeyBars is near? Jack: No, just VoldeBars! *impish grin*
- is less than 5 miles away from AnnieMcFranniePants! I can't wait!
- tidbit from Jack upon leaving Annie this morning: "Ahhhhh! It was nice seeing an old friend again!"
- awesome! Just slowed down for a pic along the trail in Smoky Mt. Nat'l Park, and a black bear cub walked right across the path *right* behind us!
- Jack just got a hole-in-one on the 1st hole at Adventure Golf. He won a free game!
- all my guys got hole-in-ones on #12. (I sucked this game - yowzers!) In fact, each of the males managed TWO h-i-o's in this course. :-)
- here's me, pooped out - sitting in the largest, most gorgeous Pizza Hut I've ever seen, waiting on our order, and all the boys are hoofing it to 'Star Cars.'
- 'Star Cars' is a museum showcasing famous Hollywood vehicles. It's about one block away, and I'm chilling in the upstairs loft of Pizza Hut.
- we're staying in an idyllic little lodge here in Gatlinburg tonight. I swear, G-burg has quickly become my favorite 'find' on this vacation!
- is leaving Gatlinburg. *sniffles*
- says, "Move over, Shipley's." We just ate breakfast at a locally-owned Dippin' Donuts in Knoxville, and it was the BEST donuts I've ever had.
- is at the Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum in Nashville. :-)
- just spent the last hour+ walking the streets of Nashville. Stopped in the Hard Rock Cafe, then checked out the Charlie Daniels Museum, too.
- is petting stingrays, and next we're dining in an aquarium - eating right under the fishies!
- is getting ready to watch G-Force. We've all been waiting for this! This is our wind-down event for the evening. :-)
- just left Tennessee and has passed into Kentucky.
- is so full. Steak 'n Shake chili and a Snickers shake - mmmmmm!
- is in St. Louis - Gateway Arch, here we come!
- is at the very tip-top of the Gateway Arch!
- has been to Hard Rock Cafe St. Louis, all over Union Station, to dinner, then swimming at the hotel. 'Night!
- eek! My first Tweet of the day just woke us up (thanks
wendywoowho)! Wow, our room was *very* quiet, dark & comfy, and we must've all been exhausted!
- Pay-It-Forward in action! Jack gave away his earned free golf pass a few nights ago, and a lady just handed us 2 free kid passes to the park!
- is at Six Flags Over St. Louis amusement park for a day of rides, fun, and perfect weather!
- is watching the boys get their game on in the arcade, and then we're headed for dinner and swimming at the hotel. Prizes ain't fun to carry!
- the downside of jet-skiing? The burned scalp peel-a-thon about four days later. It looks like I have giant dandruff tonight. :-/
- is homeward bound! We should be home by early evening. :-)
- has roughly 3.5 hours 'til we're home.
- We just took a touristy picture next to the road sign as we finally crossed back into Nebraska!